jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

Oh photoshop que aría yo sin ti

Photoshop al ver este trabajo realmente eres para mi cmo las navajas de sweeney to dedicaré esta canción :

My Friends
Sweeney Todd

These are my friends.
See how they glisten.
See this one shine...
How he smiles in the light.
My friend.
My faithful friend...
Speak to me friend.
I'll listen.
I know, I know you've been locked
out of sight
all these years, like me
My friend...
well I've come home to find you waiting.
Home, and we're together!
And we'll do wonders.
Won't we?
You there, my friend?

Come let me hold you.
Now, with a sigh, you grow warm in my hand.
My friend!
My clever friend...

Rest now, my friends.
Soon, I'll unfold you.
Soon you'll know splendors
You never have dreamed
all you days,
my lucky friends
'Til now your shine was merely silver.
Friends, you shall drip rubies, you'll soon drip precious rubies...

At last! My arm is complete again!

asím es porque cada vez que conecto la tableta y tomo el puedo exclamar frente a la ventana al mas puro estilo sweeney

al fin!! mi brazo está completo otra vez! xDD

weno e aquí la prueba
